Virtual 5K

You can provide an education for children in poverty by walking or running with your loved ones—wherever you live.
How does it work?
- Register to Hustle for $25.
- Pick your date (August 17 is the “official” date when students plan to run in Haiti—but pick a later date if that doesn’t work for you!)
- Invite friends to join you.
- Put on your Haitian Hustle T-shirts and go for a 3.1 mile walk in your neighborhood (or run, or jog…)!
When will my T-shirt arrive?
Register by July 21 to receive your T-shirt in mid-August.
If you register after July 21, your shirt will be shipped at the beginning of September. The last day to register for the virtual 5K is August 17.

Who does it benefit?
All proceeds from your $25 registration fee go to support education expenses for some really awesome students in Haiti. Read why we run to learn more and read some of their stories.
We love to see your Hustle faces!
Tag your picture on social media with the hashtag #haitianhustle5k

Questions about the virtual 5K?
We’d love to hear from you! Contact Virtual Race Coordinator Kristi Bucher at 260-302-5446 or