Sponsor Fort Wayne’s Hustle
Thank you for your interest in sponsoring the Haitian Hustle 5K in Fort Wayne!
Your partnership will greatly increase the impact we can make for students in Haiti. We are excited to Hustle again in Fort Wayne on September 21, 2024. View details.
How can your business be a part?
For a donation of $100 or more, your business name (or logo if provided) will be added to the back of the racing T-shirt. We have three categories for giving, which will be indicated on the back of the T-shirt by size.
★ Gold: $500 or more
★ Silver: $300
★ Bronze: $100
Sponsorships must be received by September 2 to be included on the T-shirt.
Why the Haitian Hustle?
The Haitian Hustle exists to raise funds to support students in Haiti through Jesus in Haiti Ministries. Read more about why we run…
The Haitian Hustle exists to build community. Families and churches are strengthened as they come out together to serve vulnerable kids in Haiti.
The Haitian Hustle exists to give glory to God. He has blessed us with so much. All we have and all we are is because of Him. This race brings glory to Him.
Who is involved in the Haitian Hustle?
The Community: Hundreds of people from around the country participate in the Haitian Hustle.
The Students: Many of the students who benefit from the Haitian Hustle take part in the run in Haiti.
The Mission: Jesus in Haiti Ministries has been serving in Haiti since 2003. For more about their mission, visit www.jesusinhaiti.org.
Can I donate by check instead of online?
Yes. Please call Kara at 260-450-3032 for details on how to submit your check (made payable to Jesus in Haiti Ministries). The check must be received no later than September 2. Be sure to email a one-color, print-ready .jpg or .eps to hustle@jesusinhaiti.org by September 2.
Thank you!
Thank you for being a part of the Hustle with us—we are indebted to your partnership! May God richly bless your generosity. We hope you’ll join us this September!
Questions? Please contact Kara Mooibroek, Fort Wayne race coordinator, at 260-450-3032.